Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Sosnowcu

My name is Frodo and I have no luck in life - abandonment and failed adoptions have definitely left their mark on me. From a cheerful, positive dog that craved human contact, I turned into an anxious dog that strongly reacted to external stimuli and needed time to trust and get to know each other. I am a small mongrel reaching to mid-calf. I walk perfectly on a leash, but I need a lot of support from my guardian during walks. I am stressed by the sound of a plane flying in the distance, the sound of a tram, all strange, loud sounds make me uncomfortable. I'm afraid of storms and all kinds of gunshots. I am an active dog, I am a great companion on long hikes. I am very lively, I like to work hard on various platforms and overcome obstacles. I will ask for Brit food and supplements.

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